Tuesday, January 12, 2016

It's In The Cards

One score and several years ago (thank you, Gettysburg Address), a fabulously festive mentor of mine introduced me to a wonderful tradition.  Each year, she and her hubby (a favorite prof of mine--and both previously immortalized in this blog), would "pray through" their Christmas cards.  Sometimes, they would recall a special memory or two about the senders.  Often, a note would be sent, letting the one who had been lifted up know of their remembrance.  I filed that in my "When I Am a Grown-Up" file and vowed to initiate such a ritual when the time came. 

Thus, when My Favorite Philosopher and I tied the nuptial knot, I opened the file and we began to "pray through" our cards.  E-mail was in its embryonic stages then (Gasp!); thus, I did my best to keep up with handwritten notes sent to those for whom we gave thanks and remembered in prayer, over our cozy dining room table, in our one-bedroom apartment in Garnet-and-Gold ville. 

Some traditions come and go, adorable Southern Living articles suggest sweet rituals, and Pinterest bombards us with all kinds of ideas; however, this one has stuck with us. Sometimes, we will recall happy times shared with the senders--and the boys will marvel at the fact that we had a life before they came along!  

So, if you happen to stick a festive stamp on a holiday card and send it our way, we thank you for participating in our tradition. Rest assured that you will be lifted up. And, a happy little note, be it electronic or old school regular mail, will make its way to you.

Christmas Past. 

Christmas Present.

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